Tax Credit Available to Small Businesses for Making Websites ADA-Compliant


A little-known break for small businesses can help them pay for updating or maintaining their websites to be more accessible. 

Uncle Sam is extending a helping hand to small businesses that wish to invest in updating or maintaining their websites to more accessible to those with disabilities.  In particular, the IRS is offering a one-time tax credit of up to $5,000 for small businesses that incur expenses associated with making their website more accessible.  Website expenses incurred must be between $250 to $10,000, and only 50% of the costs are eligible for the credit (with a maximum credit of $5,000).  In order to claim the credit, businesses need to use IRS Form 8826 (Disabled Access Credit) and file the form with their tax return.  Only businesses with less than $1 million in gross revenue or fewer than 30 full-time employees in the prior tax year are eligible for the credit.  Your accountant or tax preparer can assist you further to determine if your business qualifies for the credit.

To access the IRS Form, please click the link below.


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